Cossack before the Crucifixion, around 1699
The purpose of this article is to acquaint the Western reader with the Ethics of Ukraine in a concise and comprehensible way. Hereinafter Ethics will be understood as «Practical Philosophy», as a doctrine, which gives practical advice, regulates life.
Ethics, which was established in the Ukrainian lands after the Baptism of Rus’ (988) was Christian one. Life regulated by Biblical commandments. «Honor your father and mother», «Agree with thine adversary quickly, while thou art in the way with him», «Let no one seek his own, but each one his neighbor’s good», etc. All of these rules were really guide to action, not only declaration.
This fact has realised in traditional institutions, customs. For example, Toloka. Toloka is a free disposable teamwork. It’s a form of mutual aid when some one invites neighbors, relatives and friends to help him. It can be harvesting, building houses, joint Читать далее →