Person is a member of society and that’s why his moral choice is very important. For many people humanism is only the word, that doesn’t mean anything. These people are angry, rube and their behavior is often deviant. But, of course, there are people, who are very human.
They love nature, other people, animals, plants and everything that is in our Earth. Why does such situation happen? The reason is in the personal moral choice.
In everybody there are animal and spiritual components. Animal component shows itself in different instincts, desires and so on. Spiritual component contains everything good, that is in the person, for example – kindness, intelligence, politeness, love, desire to help everybody and so on.
Person’s character begins to form in early ages. At first, child repeats some actions of their parents. Than parents teach him or her to act according to social norms. Next step is children garden or school. In those institutions children start to communicate with their contemporaries and study new things. These steps are also periods of socialization/ the next step is University. There are other people, other subjects, new life, somewhat different from school. The next is job. It is another influence. The whole time something influence at person. But the main choice depends on the person. Yes, person is social creature. But he or she chooses himself, what he needs to do and whom they need to hear.
In my opinion, the main reasons of person’s bad, immoral, deviant behavior are examples of his life such as parents, teachers, main people and so on. Person tries to be like them, to do the same things, say the same words. If in teacher’s personality spiritual component takes preference, there are more chances, that such component would be main for his student. And on the contrary, “wrong teacher” makes “wrong student”.
Genetic component of deviance isn’t researched at all, but it takes place in science. It could be used in explanation of some psychical problems that lead to madness and other sicknesses. For bad behavior genetics isn’t very significant. The most important is personal consciousness, and that’s why person should bear the responsibility for his or her choice.
But what does concept of moral choice mean? This is an act of moral activity. Moral choice is only such choice, act in accordance with humanistic motives. Humanistic motives include everything that we can call “kindness”, and everything, that is opposite, belongs to category “evil”. First notions about “good” and “bad” things appear in early childhood, when only embryos of conscience start to appear. And during personal maturity person makes own choice.
Moral choice includes ideas such as personal dignity, moral freedom, mental freedom, respectable relations to people, careful treatment to nature and all world and so on.
Problem of moral choice exist every time. We can find a lot of information about good or bad things in ancient manuscripts, works of different historical and modern authors, in religions, constitutions of different countries and so on. These rules make our society more humanistic, kinder, better. These norms are special regulators of human behavior because everybody knows that if he (or she) will break the rule, he would be punished. Moral norm helps people make moral choice.
Humanistic theories became the most popular in Renaissance. In this period earthly human life, where two human natures contain at all, became ideal. Person becomes a conscious subject of choice. Person with his mention, conscious, intelligence became the most important value. Person becomes a hero of a poems, researches, discussions, especially about ambivalent nature.
Scientists, writers, researchers were very interested in such unknown system as personality is. This structure has its own “ego”, intelligence and so on. In period of Renaissance the idea of moral choice was viewed as the most important action in life.
Person can make moral choice only if it is his or her own conscious decision. If somebody would try to “make moral choice” against his desire, convictions and beliefs, it wouldn’t have no point.
When we talk about moral choice, we can’t forget about such component, as a politeness. When person is polite, kind, tries to help everybody, does good actions, communicate with other people courteously, they respect and believe him. And such person feels better, has good mood, likes everybody and everything and makes real moral choice.
Also in our world there are people whose life choice hasn’t anything common with moral. They are evil, rude, their behavior is deviant, they do crimes, hate everybody and everything. Morality for them is alien ideology. They live in their own world and other people for them are “enemies” in their opinion. Causes of such behavior are in the childhood. Most of all they haven’t a good example that could teach them how they should behave in society.
Another cause could be in some physical sicknesses and such behavior is a result of sickness. Also there could be such cause, as contradiction relation to all norms and rules. They think that they are unusual and that’s why they are allowed to do everything. Often moral choice is unacceptable for orphans, who don’t know what does parent’s love and good example are. Often they live outside, their behavior is marginal and they don’t know anything about morality.
Sometimes happens that rich people forget about the morality. The most important thing for them is money. They want to have more and more material goods and other things doesn’t matter anything for them. They forget about moral choice, love, kindness and so on. They become real snobs and pay no attention to everything surrounded them. Also homeless, poor people could forget about morality because their main goal is to find something to eat and that’s why they angry and don’t think about morality.
If person has materialistic world outlook, morality for him or her doesn’t matter anything. All values are materialistic and life goal is to become rich.
People, who make real moral choice, have other goals that are kind, good, humanistic and spiritual.